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Issue 012   July 2011

LinkQuest Inc., San Diego, California USA


LinkQuest's Precision Marine Geodetic Systems (PMGS) are specially designed for seafloor movement monitoring. They are capable of accurate positioning within 0.5 cm for up to 7000 meters in range. LinkQuest has been working with the Japan Marine Safety Agency (JMSA) and Japan Coast Guard since November 1999, and more than 100 PMGS transponders have been deployed on Japan's sea floors, covering large areas of interests. Some of these PMGS transponders were deployed about 10 years ago along the fault responsible for the Magnitude 9.0 earthquake occurred on March 11, 2011. The direct measurements conducted by Japanese scientists revealed horizontal seafloor movement of up to 24 meters and a vertical seafloor movement of up to 3 meters. These measurements provided important scientific data to modeling and analysis of the earthquakes and Tsunamis in the area. Measurement of the movement of the seafloor is very important to modeling, monitoring and analysis of earthquakes and Tsunamis. LinkQuest is continuing to work with the Japan Coast Guard to deploy more PMGS transponders in Japan's offshore areas with more PMGS transponders planned for shipment this year. Click for more PMGS information.

LinkQuest Inc., San Diego, California, rolled out the FlowScout 600 acoustic flow meter based on innovative acoustic Doppler technology in August 2010. Since then, a large number of FlowScout 600 long-range acoustic flow meters have been shipped, many of which were used for monitoring flows in large rivers for water resource management and environmental monitoring purposes. The single-beam FlowScout 600 acoustic flow meter is capable of reaching up to 110 meters in range with an accuracy of up to 0.5% +/- 2.0 mm/s. The operating frequency of the FlowScout 600 system is 600 kHz. The standard depth rating of the system is 100 meters. The FlowScout system is typically used to precisely measure water velocities in water channels and rivers. It can be easily installed on an irrigation channel bank, a bridge abutment, or a river bank. LinkQuest has extensively invested in state-of-the-art R&D and production technologies to reduce overall system cost, and has ensured high cost effectiveness of the FlowScout 600 system for very large scale deployments for water resource management and environmental monitoring. With its highly competitive cost and high accuracy, the FlowScout 600 system is a perfect choice for long-term real-time monitoring of water flow and velocities in large water channels, rivers, ports, harbors and estuaries. Click for more FlowScout information.

OCEANS 2011 MTS/IEEE Kona, September 19 - 22, 2011
Booth 128,
Hilton Waikoloa Village, Kona, Hawaii
LinkQuest will exhibit at OCEANS 2011 MTS/IEEE Kona. We would welcome the opportunity to meet with you.

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